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Ketamine Infusion Therapy Specialist

Bellevue Pain and Wellness PLLC

Pain Management Physicians located in Bellevue, WA

If you suffer from depression, bipolar disorder, chronic pain, complex regional pain syndrome CRPS, migraines or other painful conditions, you might benefit from IV ketamine therapy. Robert Bowers, MD, a double board-certified and fellowship-trained anesthesiologist and pain medicine physician, offers intravenous or IV ketamine at Bellevue Pain and Wellness PLLC, in Bellevue, Washington and serving Seattle, Washington, and surrounding the areas. We have experience in administering ketamine infusions for a variety of conditions. Dr. Bowers has expertise and experience to provide safe and compassionate care. Call us today to schedule a consultation to find out if ketamine is right for you.

IV Ketamine Q & A

What is IV Ketamine?

Ketamine has been used as an anesthetic since the 1960s. However, recently, medical researchers and physicians have found additional uses for smaller doses of the drug, such as treating chronic pain and treatment-resistant depression.

Ketamine has been used since 1990 as an effective treatment for treat-resistant for a variety of reasons, including chronic pain, depression, migraine, bipolar disorder and CRPS/complex regional pain syndrome. Unlike many other oral medications, which take several weeks to have effectiveness if any, Ketamine is very fast acting and patients will know if it is beneficial right away.

We also offer Spravato esketamine nasal spray for on-label use of treatment resistant depression. To learn more go to:

Because ketamine carries side effects that requires monitoring, IV ketamine is only available as an in-office treatment.


What is IV ketamine used to treat?

Although Ketamine is currently not used as a first treatment choice for pain management and depression, frequently patients find that other medications are not working for them. Ketamine is a fast and very effective treatment. In a study done at Cleveland Clinic, 70% of patients saw improvements with depression within 24 hours of injection. There are many studies done showing the effectiveness of Ketamine for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

Currently intravenous ketamine is used for:

  • Headaches and migraines
  • Chronic pain
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Joint pain
  • Back pain
  • Neck pain
  • Major Depressive Disorder
  • Generalized Anxiety
  • Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
  • Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
  • Neuropathic Pain


Talk to Dr. Bowers about IV ketamine and your other treatment options if you live with chronic pain and depression that hasn’t responded to other depression or pain management therapies.


What should I expect during IV ketamine treatment?

Dr. Bowers provides IV ketamine in his comfortable office. He treats each patient as an individual and works with that patient to come up with an individualized dose, frequency, and duration. We begin by placing an IV line and gently infusing ketamine over a period of two to four hours, based on doctor-patient selection. You can rest in a comfortable chair while the medication takes effect. Some patients experience symptoms like floating, out of body sensations, tingling, and mild hallucinations. In most cases, you may spend approximately three or four hours at Bellevue Pain and Wellness PLLC when you have IV ketamine treatment. 

Dr. Bowers provides personalized treatment plans for IV ketamine. You may need a series of IV ketamine treatments to effectively alleviate your pain or depression. Depending on your condition, you might need to have occasional follow up treatments to maintain your pain relief. 


How safe is IV Ketamine?

Ketamine is closely monitored. Dr. Bowers or a member of his clinical team observes you until any side effects of the drug wear off. They don’t release you to go home until it’s safe, and you have a friend or family member to drive you home. Also, while you will be tired after your treatment, you should be back to your normal energy levels after a good night’s sleep.

Call Bellevue Pain and Wellness PLLC to make an appointment today to find out if IV ketamine is right for you.


Pain Management Specialist in Bellevue, Washington and servicing areas around Seattle, Redmond, Kirkland, Issaquah, Mercer Island.