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Personal Injury Protection Case Specialist

Car Auto Accident Injury Doctor

When you've been hurt in a car accident, it can be difficult to navigate your way to recovery. There are so many components to juggle all at once such getting a rental car, fixing your damaged car at the shop, finding and meeting with a lawyer, and all the while needing to see doctors to heal mentally and physically. You need an experienced healthcare team to help you heal your body and get the care paid for when such a catastrophic event occurs.  Taking on this responsibility can lead to expensive healthcare later on and worse changes to your lifestyle that could have been avoided. 

Car accidents can result in numerous different injuries which can range from cuts, broken bones, whiplash, neck pain, back pain, headaches, and nerve damage which can lead to numbness or tingling, and much more. Auto accident specialists will comprehensively evaluate you, treat immediate or acute pain and injuries as well as pain and injuries that can be prolonged or chronic. Sometimes pain and injuries after car accidents can change and worsen or develop later on. This occurs commonly with headaches and whiplashes.  The specialist will evaluate, document, and treat your medical issues and be able to coordinate with other specialists such as surgeons, orthopedists, physical therapists, and your primary care physician as needed to achieve the best prognosis. Good communication between specialists is critical in any treatment and diagnosis but especially in times when so many different treatment modalities are needed.

Correct, detailed, and early documentation is essential to maximize a good outcome for any automobile accident case. If there is a lack of this, your case may not pay out when it comes to settlement time.  That is why, when you get into an automobile accident, you need to see a doctor who specializes in these injuries right away. All initial injuries need to be documented by the specialist. You will also need to see the doctor again if a different pain appears later on and not immediately after the accident or if there are any changes to properly document and treat these changes. The longer you wait, the less likely the insurance companies will believe that your injuries are related to the accident and the less likely your case will get paid out.  We have seen many patients who come in years after they’ve been in a car accident and have chronic pain that was never addressed at the time of their insurance case and their settlements did not reflect these injuries. They now need to deal with the injuries themselves out of their own pockets. Some of these situations could have different outcomes had the injuries been documented and treated by a specialist earlier on.

With a car accident, so many costs can add up quickly and become very daunting. However, if you see a specialist that works with Personal Injury Protection( PIP) cases, you will have little or nothing to pay upfront.  They will work with your lawyer and the insurance company and work on an attorney lien or medical lien. This means the settlement from your injury case will go toward paying the medical fees after settlement with the insurance company.  This also means you can be able to be evaluated, treated, and start healing before the settlement date. Usually earlier treatment of such traumatic cases means the difference between proper healing versus developing chronic ongoing pain.

At Bellevue Pain and Wellness, Dr. Robert Bowers has years of experience dealing with personal injury cases. He is a double board certified pain management specialist and has many treatment options available for both acute pain but also chronic pain for all different types of injuries.  He will comprehensively evaluate you and coordinate appropriate care for you so that you can just focus on the healing process.

Our team will work closely with your lawyer so that you don’t have upfront costs to pay and can get treated right away.

If you or a loved one have gotten into a car accident and need care, please call our office at 425-998-7884 to discuss how we can help you. We serve Seattle, Bellevue, Kirkland, Redmond and Issaquah.

Robert Bowers MD

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