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Aches and Pains: Musculoskeletal and Myofascial Pains

Muscle ache Musculoskeletal Myofascial myalgia

Musculoskeletal pain is any pain, including lower pain pain, neck pain, hip pain, shoulder pain, elbow pain, wrist pain, and knee and ankle pain, and might be rapidly occurring or might be long term and chronic.

Musculoskeletal pain comprises any type of pain that might be coming from the joints, soft tissues, cartilage, bones or muscles. These pains have a variety of reasons and nearly every type of doctor may be consulted to explain these types of things. Pains might be due to a variety of causes including injury, long term degenerative changes, localization inflammatory changes, or even autoimmune disorders. 

Common presentations of these pains may be tendinopathies including tendonitis and myalgia, meaning muscle pain, and this is most commonly seen in the lower back area causing lower back pain however the neck and mid back are also very common locations.

Nearly all people experience some type of musculoskeletal pain throughout their life however 30% of all people experience these pains yearly.

The best approach for treatment usually encompasses a multifaceted plan, including rest, immobilization of the affected area, anti-inflammatory medications, postural correction, muscle strengthening to rebuild adjacent muscles, stretching, as well as identification of the origin of the cause and treatment of that.

Muscle relaxer medications also have shown benefit for pain relief during initiation of physical therapy. Additionally, pain physicians can assist in therapies including trigger point injections for muscle spasm or low back pain.

Myofascial pain syndrome is typically felt as muscle pain, stiffness and tightness. Many patients might benefit from rest, heat and ice, anti-inflammatory medications including non-steroidal anti inflammatory medications and occasionally trigger point injections based on a patient's preference.

Trigger point injections may allow the feeling that muscle has relieved its chronic tension from a spasm-like state and allow the muscle to be gently rehabilitated. 

Patients experiencing musculoskeletal pain including low back pain or neck pain or possibly joint pain may want to call our office in the Seattle Bellevue area for a consultation for acute and chronic pain relief therapies.

Please feel free to give us a call 425-998-7884 or visit our website at or you may send us a message at

Check out a few other blog posts below:

Bellevue Pain and Wellness PLLC accepts Medicare and Medicare supplement plans as well as most major commercial insurance plans, including Blue Cross Blue Shield, Premera, Regence, United Healthcare, Aetna, First Choice, and Humana. Bellevue Pain and Wellness PLLC also accepts Tricare.

Patients experiencing low back pain or neck pain, joint pain, such as knee pain, hip pain, shoulder pain, or have headache or migraine or who require evaluation for injections, such as back injections, joint injections, epidural injections, trigger point injections, knee radiofrequency ablation, back radiofrequency ablation can call this Seattle Bellevue area pain clinic for an evaluation by the doctor.

Dr. Bowers also blogs about common pain issues including migraine, lower back pain, RSD/CRPS and sciatica. You can read further into these blog posts above by clicking the links.

Robert Bowers MD

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